If you are thinking of starting your own business you probably have a good business proposition and the enterprise and commitment to see it through, although you are not an expert in the legal, financial, and fiscal aspects of running a business. Indeed, these matters can often seem intimidating to the up-and-coming entrepreneur. The good news is that you do not need to be an expert in these fields to succeed in business as we can take the pressure off by advising you on all the financial aspects of setting up and running your business. Bring us your business ideas and we'll help you to evaluate them in a practical and realistic manner. We can also help you: Business Structure?
Decide on the most suitable structure for your business - sole trader, partnership, limited company or limited liability partnership, How can we help you?
Help you prepare a business plan, cash flow projections, budgets, and trading forecasts Assess your finance requirements, advise on the best sources of finance, and draw up the necessary proposals What else can we do? Complete any registration procedures with Companies House and HMRC. Deal with company secretarial issues. Set up a recording system for your internal use and for complying with statutory requirements We would also endeavour to work closely with our clients during this initial period and advise them as necessary to ensure the continued success of the business We are familiar with the variety of problems encountered by a new business, and are ready to help turn your business idea into a viable reality. Taking appropriate professional advice at the outset can make all the difference. Our depth of knowledge and experience in helping new and growing businesses can help guide you through the regulations and requirements, and will hopefully help you establish a successful business.
The last thing you need as a busy business owner is to use up valuable time and resources making sure you are complying with the Companies Act.
We can give you complete peace of mind in this area by carrying out your company secretarial duties for you.
Our services include:
* Company formations
* Preparation and filing of statutory returns
* Maintenance of statutory books
* Preparation of minutes and resolutions
*General advice on company law
We have a direct access to additional tax expertise via our partnership with Croner VIP Tax. We have over 20 years experience in tax so most likely we will have experience in your tax enquiry, but, if not, still have additional expertise to ensure we can help you.
Our policy in relation to the storage of clients records / books / paperwork
We will hold any paperwork that you provide to us securely on site at our office.
Please do however endeavour to collect promptly from us on completion of our work for you.
We confirm that any records older than 6 years that we still hold will be confidentially destroyed.
We also reserve the right, following termination of our engagement for any reason, to destroy any of your documents that we have not been able to return to you or you have not collected after a period of six months.